Type of provider | Price Range | What to ask | Summary |
Single person part time | $20 - $70 |
In most cases, due to lack of time dedicated to research of new technologies, has limited experience in modern business IT solutions. Most suited only for basic home problems. In many cases will take longer time to resolve issues. May not carry required spare parts resulting in multiple callouts and higher labour charge. |
Small business 1-5 people full time |
$70 - $120 |
Look at the quality of the website. More serious operators will be high in Google search results. Type of phone number advertised (eg. 1300 or mobile number). Many of these companies can offer high level of service and most competitive prices. |
National business/Franchise operator | $90 - $180 |
Qualification & experience level will vary a lot depending on who actually comes to you. Price is generally higher compared to small business operators due to overheads involved and not the quality of service. |
Business specialists | $140 - $220 |
Mostly experienced in business solutions, however often overpriced. Good sales training. Many hidden costs spread-out in regular monthly payments. Often offer lock-in contracts for various third party services (e.g. broadband, antivirus/antispametc) |
Possible hidden costs:
- Free callout might result in higher first hour rate or minimum cost per call. Some may also count driving time at same rate as service time.
- Check cost of spare parts on the internet together with technician. They would generally be higher than in retail shops, but should not be higher than 30%
- Billing time increments (e.g. per 15 minutes, per 30 minutes, per hour)
- Minimum cost per callout